

Convertech & e-Print Jan./Feb. 2011

Tokyo Pack 2010 Report
Ecol­ogy, Safety-​Security, Uni­ver­sal Design, and Design-​ability Con­cepts Bio-​plastics aim for dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion with inno­v­a­tive functions

Func­tional Mate­ri­als 1 Trans­par­ent Met­al­ized Film
IB Film : Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd.
TECH­BAR­RIER, X-​BARRIER, VIEW-​BARRIER, and BACK-​BARRIER : Mit­subishi Plas­tics, Inc.
GL/​GX Film : Top­pan Print­ing Co., Ltd.
BAR­RI­ALOX : Toray Advanced Film Co., Ltd.

Fun­da­men­tal Coat­ing Research
Slot Die Coat­ing: The Physics of the Cap­il­lary Coat­ing Bead
Dr. Brian Hig­gins, Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia Davis

Fun­da­men­tals of Ten­sioned Web over Slot Die Coat­ing
Dr. Jae­wook Nam and Dr. Mar­cio Car­valho, Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota and PUC-​Rio

Envi­ron­men­tally Friendly Lam­i­nat­ing Adhesives
Yasuki Naka­jima, Toyo-​Morton, Ltd.

Recent Devel­op­ment of Tech­nol­ogy for Multi-​layer Roll-​to-​roll e-​Printing Systems
Hyunkyoo Kang, Chang­woo Lee, and Dr. Kee­hyun Shin, Konkuk Uni­ver­sity and Toba

The Fun­da­men­tal Tech­nol­ogy of Gravure Print­ing Ses­sion 1 : What is Gravure Printing?
Dr. Masayuki Nagashima, Masaru Kobayashi, Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd.

Coat­ing Sys­tems: Oper­a­tional Meth­ods and Selec­tion Cri­te­ria Ses­sion 1
Yuji Harasaki

Basic Course in Coat­ing and Numer­i­cal Analy­sis Ses­sion 1:Coating Research and Devel­op­ment Today
Dr. Takeaki Tsuda, Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd.

Basic Guide to Lam­i­nat­ing Tech­nol­ogy Ses­sion 1:Lamination Overview
Koichi Mat­sumoto

Slit­ting and Rewind­ing Tech­nol­ogy Ses­sion 1
Hideo Mukai

Adhe­sive Tech­nol­ogy Course Ses­sion 1
Yasuaki Kitazaki, PSA Laboratory

Fun­da­men­tals of Ana­lytic Tech­nol­ogy for the Film Mak­ing Process Ses­sion 1:An overview of film form­ing technologies
Dr. Toshiro Yamada, Kanazawa University

Focus on…
“Diet Pack­ag­ing” has Supe­rior Cost and Envi­ron­men­tal Responsiveness
Cal­bee takes the ini­tia­tive on extru­sion lam­i­na­tion and thin film OPP as well as VM-​PET
Cal­bee Foods Co., Ltd.

PVDC Makes up Lost Ground Using High-​barrier in High Humid­ity Environments
Devel­op­ment pro­posal based on aroma retainability

Mak­ing Paper out of Reeds for Court Music Flutes
Pre­cise water­marks cre­ate secu­rity
Yamada-​Keitei KK

TOYAL LOTUS, a Super Water Repel­lent Mate­r­ial for Yogurt Lids
Toyo Alu­minium K.K.

Yokota Tohoku’s Recyled Tray Reduces Time and Cost with Remov­able Film
Recy­cled Resin Ratio of more than 70%
Yokota Tohoku Co., Ltd.

Legal Back­ground of VOC Reg­u­la­tion in Japan
VOC Reduc­tion and Sol­vent Reuse Ini­tia­tives in Japan’s Flex­i­ble Pack­ag­ing Industry

Sanyo Gravure’s MGT Based VOC Treat­ment Sys­tem in Operation
Work­ing with Local Dry-​lamination Ven­ti­la­tion
Sanyo Gravure Co., Ltd.

Think Laboratory’s “New FX,” a Fully Auto­mated Laser Expo­sure Gravure Plate Mak­ing System
An Idea Loaded, Reduced Space, and Low Run­ning Cost Design
Think Lab­o­ra­tory Co., Ltd.

Yoshi­moto Flexo Print­ing Thai­land Sees Prof­its in its Fifth Year
Print­ing the Back-​sheet of Dis­pos­able Dia­pers with Water-​based Ink
Yoshi­moto Print­ing KK

KPG Spe­cial­ist Presses “EUROFLEX 250″ Cas­ing Press
KPG Cor­po­ra­tion

Devel­op­ing a High Cost-​performance Extru­sion Laminator
Sum­it­omo Heavy Indus­tries Mod­ern, Ltd.

New Every­day Uses for Adhe­sive Patches that can Improve Your Health
Check­ing Your Alco­hol Limit and Skin-​type with an Adhe­sive Patch
Life Care Giken Inc.

3-​D Print­ing Tech­nol­ogy in the New US $100 Bill
Improv­ing secu­rity and stop­ping counterfeiters

Taiwan’s Machine Tool Indus­try: Bridg­ing Japan, Europe, and the US with Asia
Pre­vent­ing Time-​based Col­oration in UV Cur­able Adhe­sives for FPD

Giv­ing Strength and Mois­ture Per­me­abil­ity to Med­ical PSA
17th Fusion UV Sem­i­nar 2010
