Various discussions are taking the total in 2021. Meanwhile, the world is accelerating its movement toward a net-zero society*. When realized, CO2 emissions will be required to absorb an equivalent amount of CO2 , and if they cannot be absorbed, a fee will have to be paid. This amount is equivalent to the price of plastic and many times the cost of waste disposal. “For Japan, which mainly uses thermal recycling, incineration would be expensive in a net-zero society,” he said. Regarding the current container and packaging recycling system, he said that recy-cling plastic containers and packaging other than PET bottles requires drastic innovation.The three key features of the new plastics law are: (1) the law targets materials, (2) it does not directly reg-ulate each individual product, and (3) the measures are constructed from a life-cycle perspective. Direct regula-tion is inappropriate because plastics are used in a wide variety of products, and the ease of material substitution, weight reduction, and reuse varies from product to product. It is important to encourage people involved in prod-ucts that use plastics to find ways to solve this problem. Mr. Ishikawa point-ed out that consumer understanding and cooperation are essential for reuse and recycling, and depending on the characteristics of the product, cooper-ation among manufacturers, retailers, consumers, and the government may be necessary.He stated that horizontal recycling is an effective recycling method in a net-zero society, citing the cost of ther-mal recycling and the fact that manu-facturers are involved in the entire life cycle to reduce fossil fuel-based CO2 emissions. He emphasized that the producer takes the initiative in hori-zontal recycling, which means that the producer collects used products, re-cycles them, and returns them to their original state. However, there are prob-lems such as high collection costs. He suggested improving efficiency by cooperating with other entities such as consumers and retailers, expanding the quantity by cooperating with other companies in the same industry, and offering post-consumer goods.Finally, two case studies were pre-sented: “MEGURU STATION” in Min-amisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, a so-cial experiment for “3R + C” (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle + Community), and “Kobe Plastic Next”, a Tsumekae Pack recycling project team developed by Kobe City and manufacturers.MEGURU STATION is a service provided by Amita HD, which started after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Tents are erected near recon-struction housing buildings and day care services, and garbage is brought to manned community bases for sep-aration. In addition to recyclable gar-bage and non-burnable garbage, gar-bage that was previously considered combustible garbage is separated into (1) plastics; , (2) waste paper, lint, wood chips, etc., (3) plants, (4) waste vege-table oil, (5) shells, eggshells, etc., and (6) combustible garbage. The cost of waste separation and collection is sig-nificantly reduced compared to con-Dr. Masanobu Ishikawa11place on the issue of plastic waste that cannot wait. In May this year, the Asian Association for the Promotion of Resource Recycling of Plastics held the “NEW Asia Replas 2023 1st Plastic Resource Recycling Forum” in Tokyo. The forum provided information on the latest policies, industry trends, and technology developments to not only recyclers of plastic waste, but also industrial waste gener-ators of plastic-using products, consumers, local governments, waste-related businesses, and users of recycled plastics.Thermal recycling is the most wide-ly used method for processing plastic waste in Japan, accounting for 62% of What will change with the new plastics law? Socio-technological innovation through horizontal recyclingMasanobu Ishikawa, Professor Emer-itus of Kobe University and Specially Appointed Professor of Eikei University of Hiroshima, and Representative Di-rector of Gomi-Ja-pan NPO, gave a presentation on the mechanism and horizontal re-cycling under the Law Concerning the Promotion of Resource Recycling of Plastics (New Plastics Law).
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