Convertech International 2023 4th

ir cassifyngAltilitiUnderwaScreenngIsoaeder screenngMiscellaneous resourcesCrushing processRejected productsCrushed productsSource: NEW Asia Replas 2023 1st Plastic Resource Recycling ForumGrain preparation processSorting processCoarse particleFine particlethe plastics in-dustry in Japan, spoke about JF-PI’s development of a plastic re-source recycling strategy.In order to promote plastics recycling more than ever, he stated that the following entry strategies are needed “how to collect plastics from municipalities, stores and business-es,” “promoting the collection of PET, PS and PVC as single items,” “reduc-ing collection costs,” “improving sort-ing technologies and reducing costs,” and as exit strategies: “promoting green design”, “promoting mono-ma-terialization and chemical recycling”, “ensuring traceability”, “visualizing en-vironmental performance”, “creating an environmentally premium society”, and “changing to an industrial struc-ture that allows for smooth price shift-ing”. He also stated the need for exit strategies such as “promoting environ-mentally conscious design”, “promot-ing mono-materialization and chemical recycling”, “ensuring traceability”, “vi-sualizing environmental performance”, “forming an environmentally premium society”, and “changing to an indus-trial structure that allows for smooth price shifting”. Moreover, he said that it is essential to have a platform that links the “arterial industry”, which pro-cesses natural resources to produce products, and the “venous industry”, which collects the daily commodities and consumer goods produced by the arterial industry that have been con-sumed and turned into waste, and dis-tributes them back into society through resale and re-processing. Finally, he concluded that an environment in which recycled materials are actively used should be created by bringing all parties together.Tatsuya Ohki, chairman of SURE Consortium and chief researcher of Circular Econ-omy Collabora-tive Research Dr. Tatsuya OhkiLab, International Research Center for Zero Emissions, Research Institute for Environmental Innovation, National Institute of Ad-vanced Industrial Science and Tech-nology, who specializes in recycling technologies for metal materials and others, said that recycling is “related to all industries and can be independent-ly interpreted as resource recycling, urban mining, waste disposal, zero emissions, circular economy, carbon neutrality, resource efficiency, 3R, and arteriovenous linkage. Recycling is interpreted in its own way, includ-ing resource recycling, urban mining, waste management, zero emissions, circular economy, carbon neutrality, resource efficiency, 3Rs, and arterial/venous coordination. The stockpiles of small household appliances that re-quire metal recycling are truly a battle against chaos, and this is the starting point of my research. Conventional technologies alone are not enough to bring order to the chaos, and a ‘phys-ical sorting process’ is needed to sort the low-purity particle groups, which have an unknown structure and a large potential for fluctuation, by metal and material composition,” he says.At present, however, the concept of resource recovery through physical sorting has not been systematized. He says that things acquired in university education cannot be used in the field, and that one by one, the work is being done to individually ladder the academ-ic and the field through experiments. For this reason, starting in 2018, Ohki has introduced the SURE Academy course for Japanese researchers in their 30s and 40s, as well as mid-ca-reer researchers such as university faculty members. The course aims to train the world’s top technology and fu-ture leaders, and although it is current-ly a one-time course, he hopes to make it an annual curriculum in the next few years and systematize the new disci-pline of “true physical sorting science,” a technology that will achieve resource Mr. Hidehito KatoBasic flow of the physical sorting process13Establishing advanced sorting technology for domestic resource recycling

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