Convertech International 2023 4th

governmental Negotiations for the For-mulation of a Convention on Plastic Pollution,” which will create a legally binding international commitment to prerequisite recycling by the end of 2024, and the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU.Regarding the impact of EPA, Mr. Okamoto said, “From 2025 to 2030, import tariffs on candy, gummy candy, chocolate, and other confec-tionery will be gradually lowered and eventually become duty-free, bringing tens of billions of yen worth of confec-tionery into Japan. Meanwhile, exports from Japan will also be free, but the packaging of goods exported to Eu-rope will be required to be recyclable. The worst-case scenario would be that exports would become impossible be-cause of the packaging. We don’t have that much time.” the He continued, “Globally, brand owners like Nestlé are actually install-ing packaging machines and increas-ing their experience in converting their own products. If people understand that new technology has new value and can lead to cost reductions, I be-lieve that such a trend will gradually in-crease in Japan as well.”Square bottom bags with heat sealable paperDemo machine installed at Com-petence Center Japan and Vision Technology33

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