Convertech International 2023 4th

in a tank, but since the concentration of the sugar solution is as low as 10%, it is concentrated to about 50% concen-tration by omitting water with an energy-saving heat pump, and in some cases membrane equipment is used to extract what is needed.Among them, Director Kojo refers to the two 30L scale-down bioreactors as the "core of the institute. Although these bioreactors are smaller, they can simulate conditions similar to those of larger bioreactors for analysis. Multiple sensors are installed in various locations within the biore-actors, allowing for close monitoring of data. Control of the conditions is managed by GEI's proprietary Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. This software can also con-trol the 300L and 3000L bioreactors in the prototype room in the same manner.they would behave when scaled up to larger bioreactors. The mixing of bubbles and dyes pigments is verified to see if the simulation matches the actual behavior.In particular, bubbles are prone to breakage and disper-sion, and their behavior is often not well understood. There-fore, it's necessary to compare simulation results with raw data, and achieving accuracy in the simulated bioreactors is considered essential for this purpose.Two 30L bioreactor scale-down modelsSimulated bioreactor core of the institute[Cultivation Room]The facility has two 30L culture tanks for scale-down mod-els, three 5L and two 30L culture tanks for pre-culture, three 5L and two 30L culture tanks for productivity improvement research.Simulations are conducted using high-performance CFD[Technology Development Room]There are simulated bioreactors made of transparent acrylic that allow the inside to be seen from the outside. These are used to simulate the conditions of the scale-down model bioreactors using high-performance CFD to predict how Fill it with machines in 2024[Analysis Room] [Purification Room]The analysis room is a room for performing various analyses necessary for studying the culture and purification condi-tions. It is equipped with chromatographs, ion chromato-graphs. The purification room is a room for purification of low to medium molecular products and sample production. In addition to membrane equipment, decolorization, desali-nation, crystallization, and crystal drying equipment will be installed. Although the global semiconductor shortage con-tinues to make procurement of electronic components diffi-cult, "the room is expected to be filled with machines by the end of 2023 or early 2024," Mr. Furushiro stated.New Global Website Unveiled !The Converting Technical Institute (CTI) launched “CONVERTECH+ ONLINE,” a global news site on March 1 to provide information for the converting in-dustry in Japan and around the world.

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