Convertech International 2023 4th

onto printed acrylic pan-els, and the “UC-300,” a compact UV curing unit that dries the topcoat agent. The top coat agent provides surface protec-tion for acrylic items and enhances their physical properties with solvent resistance, while the glossy finish gives them a glossy and luxurious ap-pearance. The “Oshikat-su,” an activity to love and support one’s favorite idols, actors, characters, etc., is currently popular in Japan. This has led to an expansion of the acrylic market, including acrylic key chains and acrylic stands, and we expect demand for high-quality design to increase.”Coating machine “DCF-605PU” (left) and samples of acrylic boards coated with topcoat agentAlso exhibited on the third floor is the “DCF-605PU,” a coating machine that sprays “TCU-100” topcoat agent Demonstration by robot arm (Transferring substrate to the printer)which shortens development time and enables quicker maintenance support than is possible with an outside com-pany. “The robot reduces the amount of work needed to change materials, which of course has the advantage of reducing labor costs, but we would like the robot to be used in a way that allows humans to do the work that humans can do and robots to do the work that can be standardized by ro-bots. For example, during the daytime, the robot can perform monotonous printing tasks, while the operator per-forms skilled quality checks and other sensory tasks. We have a vision to re-alize a one-step-ahead change in the way people work,” says the person in charge of the project.54Fusion of analog and digital with double CMYKThe remaining three units are two con-ventional high-performance UVIJ print-ers, the “UJF-7151 plus” and one newer model, the “UJF-7151 plus II.” The UJF-7151 plus has a six-color printer, while the UJF-7151 plus II is an eight-color. “The most distinctive feature of the UJF-7151 plus II is that when light and spot colors are not used, a process color staggered array (4C + 4C) can be set; when this is selected, printing speed is approximately twice as fast as with the UJF-7151 plus. In the past, white was commonly used for symbols and letters on printed circuit boards in screen printing, but recently, black and other colorful colors are being used. For example, white on the base can be screen-printed, while colors are print-ed at high speed with UJF-7151 plus II, thus producing applications where analog and digital printing are com-bined. We believe that the 4C double printing system has a wide range of ap-plications in the industrial market, such as printing lot numbers for automobile parts as well as printed circuit boards, and has great potential,” says the per-son in charge.Collaboration with robotic arms and printers is also on the horizonIn addition, the company has exhibited the “Arm Robo System,” which com-bines a robot arm and UV IJ printer, and plans to begin sales this summer. The control program for OMRON’s ro-bot arm is designed by Alpha Design, a Mimaki Engineering Group company that handles the company’s printers and other control-related business,

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