Convertech International 2023 4th

80MHz80MHz Camera CameraDigitalDigitalAdoption of an LED!Adoption of an LED!The LatestModel SKT®-001Newly developed for easier operation andsuitable AC servo motor controlModel DT-3000Suitable for sectional drive-type pressesModel SK-2090User friendly operationsInspection System OFTTM SeriesInspects printing defects while high speed printing, by means of a pattern matching methodWeb Hi-Vision SystemStill image printing monitorTsukuba Factory : 29, Kasuminosato, Amimachi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki 300-0315, Japan Tel. +81-29-840-3280 Fax. +81-29-889-2487Tokyo Office Tel.+81-3-3802-7421 Osaka Office Tel.+81-6-6942-5720 tion and developed a coating that could be used to paint bamboo more firmly than expected. This paint was brushed up to the “KIMAMORI SENKA Dish Coat,” which is already being used by restaurant chains and other companies.Through these in-house paints, the company has de-veloped design-oriented wood products that create new living spaces using domestic timber, which it introduces at its showrooms in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Mr. Tsunoka-ke commented, “Using domestic wood not only enriches our lives, but also contributes to the global environment by maintaining healthy forests through the cycle of cutting, us-ing, planting, and growing. The company’s paints are based on natural materials, and the wood can be crushed and re-turned to the soil or used as fertilizer after use, making it suitable for wooden plates and spoons for a wider range of applications.Book Guide58If you would like to purchase it, please send an email to us.We will send back the order instraction.Publishing office: Converting Technical InstituteOrder: ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO.,, Taiyo’s Automatic RegisterControl Equipment for Gravure PrintingInspection System and Web Hi-Vision SystemCalls for the use of domestic woodThe wood shock caused by the lumber shortage and price hikes in 2021 has increased attention to Japanese lumber. According to the Forestry Agency, Japan’s wood self-suffi-ciency rate is on a recovery trend, rising for 10 consecutive years from its lowest point of 18.2% in 2000 to the 40% level in 2010.Theory and Application of Web HandlingPublication: January 2015Format: B5 size377pages (contents)Price: US$150 + shippingAuthor: Hiromu HashimotoCOLORCON

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