

Convertech & e-Print Jan./Feb. 2013

Spe­cial Atten­tion: Tokyo Pack 2012 Report
Func­tional Paper Com­petes with Plastic
Coat­ing, Print­ing, and Lam­i­nat­ing for Functionalization
Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd., Crown Pack­age Co., Ltd.

Pack­ag­ing Con­vert­ers Dis­play Lat­est Technologies
Paper Emer­gency Goods, Small 2-​liquid Bags, 3D Molding
Oji Adba Co., Ltd., Oji Pack­age Inno­va­tion Cen­ter Inc., Tai­sei Lam­ick Co., Ltd.

AR Brings Labels and Pack­ages to Life
Smart Devices Are Key to AR’s Future

Even Wet Hands Eas­ily Open “Sosogi Jozu” Refill Pouches
Spout Formed of Folded Back Film
Top­pan Print­ing Co., Ltd.

Recy­clable Alu­minum Met­al­ized PVA Film Lam­i­nated Paper
Added Value Through Dec­o­ra­tion and Envi­ron­men­tal Consideration
Gojo Paper MFG. Co. Ltd.

Korean Fresh­ness Film Also Works with Alu­minum Foil Lamination
Adjust­ing Oxy­gen Per­me­abil­ity with Laser Formed Depressions
Dae Ryung Pre­ci­sion Pack­ag­ing Indus­try Co., Ltd./DNP Trad­ing Co., Ltd.

Sec­tional Acti­vated Car­bon Coat­ing Tech­nol­ogy for Deodorizing
Pack­ag­ing Mate­r­ial with a Mois­ture Adjust­ing Function

The Lat­est Pack­ag­ing Trends as Seen From Intel­pack, India’s Largest Pack­ag­ing Exhibition
Kazuo Murauchi, Toy­obo Pack­ag­ing Plan­ning Ser­vices, Inc.

Insert Mold­able Heat-​resistant Inor­ganic EL
Yoshi­hito Homma, MPT Co., Ltd. (for­merly Mobileprintech.inc)

Basic Guide to Lam­i­nat­ing Tech­nol­ogy, Ses­sion 13
Hot Melt Lam­i­na­tion (2)
Koichi Mat­sumoto, Pro­fes­sional Engi­neer (Indus­trial Management)

PSA Tech­nol­ogy Course, Ses­sion 5
PSA Tape Use in the Elec­tron­ics Field (3)
Dr. Kazuo Nate

Slit­ting and Rewind­ing Technology
Chap­ter 2: Rewind­ing Meth­ods, Ses­sion 13
Hideo Mukai

Basic Course on Instru­men­ta­tion and Con­trol in the Con­vert­ing Process, Ses­sion 11

Basic Course in Coat­ing and Numer­i­cal Analy­sis, Ses­sion 12
Fun­da­men­tals of Numer­i­cal Analy­sis (4)
Dr. Takeaki Tsuda

Coat­ing Sys­tems: Oper­a­tional Meth­ods and Selec­tion Cri­te­ria, Ses­sion 13
Yuji Harasaki, Harasaki Consultants

Screen Print­ing & Printed Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 4
Opti­miza­tion Meth­ods for the “Paste Process”
Yasushi Sano, SP-​Solutions Co., Ltd.

Intro­duc­tion to Flex­i­ble & Print­able Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 9
Com­mon Prob­lems in RTR Processing
Dominique K. Numakura, DKN Research LLC

Focus On…
DLC Coat­ing 20 Cylin­ders Simul­ta­ne­ously, Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Reduc­ing FX-​eco Cylinders

China’s Dig­i­tal Print­ing Mar­ket Grows on Back of Midrange Machines
Inex­pen­sive Off­set to Con­tinue Growth in India
InfoTrends Ltd.

Bile Duct Can­cer Deaths Linked to Clean­ing Sol­vents from Off­set Proof­ing Print­ing Machines

Remov­ing Ink From Flanges With­out Solvent
Spe­cial Brush for “CL” Cylin­der Edge Face Grinder
Nis­sio Gravure Co., Ltd., Tokyo Print­ing & Equip­ment Trad­ing Co., Ltd.

New Com­pa­nies and Tech­nolo­gies to Enter IJ Mar­ket through 2013
Color Devices See more Mod­er­ate Growth than Expected
InfoTrends Ltd.

Rapid Pro­to­typ­ing and Test­ing Spe­cialty Business
Han­dling Ther­mo­plas­tics, Poly­Jet, SLS Pro­to­typ­ing, and Stereolithography
Christie Visual Sys­tems, Hyphen

Self-​standing Shokutaku-​oendan Replaces Plates, Expand­ing the Role of Packaging
Sanyo Gravure Co., Ltd.

Recov­ery Vol­ume of A/​P Pack­ag­ing Increases from Munic­i­pal­i­ties and Businesses
PRINT­ERS ASSO­CI­A­TION OF JAPAN LL Paper Pack­age Recy­cling Pro­mo­tional Research Group, ECOIPS CORPORATION

Adhe­sive Aux­il­iary Antenna for Liquid-​use UHF RF Tags
RF Tag Inte­grated Caps Pre­vent Counterfeiting

“Global MDO” PSA Label Cuts Prod­uct Thick­ness in Half, Liner Is Key to Film Transparency
Avery Den­ni­son Japan Materials

Improved Adsor­bent for iPhone Hand­set Adhesion
Exclu­sive License to Unused Patents Helps Pre­vent Coun­ter­feit Imports

Inside Win­dow Sig­nage Film

No Tape and No Residue! Elec­tro­sta­tic Adhe­sive YUPO
YUPO for Dig­i­tal Print­ing and Small Lots
Yupo Cor­po­ra­tion

3D MRI Imag­ing Used to Under­stand Patho­log­i­cal Myopia
Opti­cal Lith­o­g­ra­phy for Cell Trans­fer Treatment
Tokyo Med­ical and Den­tal University/​Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd.

Sell­ing Func­tional Win­dow Film Direct to the User
Cut-​to-​order and Drain­ing Kit for User Installation

Radiation-​resistant Flu­o­roresin More Flex­i­ble than PEEK
Nuclear Facil­ity Inspec­tion Sys­tem Cable Busi­ness Increases

Invest­ment in Taiwan/​SE Asia Semi­con­duc­tor Foundry Sec­tor to Grow in 2013
LED Invest­ment to Drop Below $1 Bil­lion US in 2014

New Print­able Elec­tron­ics Ded­i­cated Sub­strates and Sil­i­con Replace­ment Technology
ICFPE 2012 Report Part 2

Uti­liz­ing PEDOT Char­ac­ter­is­tics for 3D Mold­ing, Hid­ing Pat­terns with Pseudo-​etching

Good Design 2012 Awards for OEL 3D TV, Cloth Bond­ing Machine, and Low-​odor/​VOC Water-​based Paint
Good Design Award
