

Convertech & e-Print Jul./Aug. 2013

Spe­cial Atten­tion: Con­vertech Japan 2013 Report
Lat­est Films, Coat­ings, and Machines in the Con­vert­ing Industry
AGC SEIMI CHEM­I­CAL CO., LTD., Dai­cel Cor­po­ra­tion, DAIO PAPER CON­VERT­ING CO., LTD., FUJI KIKAI KOGYO CO., LTD., Hama­matsu Pho­ton­ics K.K., JUJO CHEM­I­CALCO., LTD., Kobayashi Engi­neer­ing Works, Ltd., Nakamoto Packs Co., Ltd., Nip­pon Soda Co., Ltd., ORI­ENT SOGYO CO., LTD., Orion Shoji Co., Ltd., San­sui Shoko, SEIKO PMCCOR­PO­RA­TION, SHIKOKU CHEM­I­CALS COR­PO­RA­TION, TAKA­MATSU OIL & FAT CO., LTD., TED CO., LTD., Tosico Cor­po­ra­tion, Toy­obo Co., Ltd., T&K TOKA Co., Ltd., ZEONCORPORATION

Func­tional Hard Coat Films/​Coatings for Touch Pan­els and IML
ATOMIX CO., LTD., DNP Fine Chem­i­cals Co., Ltd., GUNZE LIM­ITED, JSP CO., LTD., NEOS CO., LTD., Oike Fine Coat­ing, Inc., SEK­ISUI CHEM­I­CAL CO., LTD., Suk­gyung AT Co., Ltd., TOY­OHOZAI CO., LTD.

Screen Print­ing L/​S of 40⁄60 μm Pat­terns and Sil­ver Paste
NBC Meshtec Inc.

The State and Future of Pre­ci­sion Coat­ing Systems
Takumi Ichikawa, Yusaku Nak­a­gawa, Techno Smart Corp

The Lat­est Cur­tain Coat­ing Technology
Hiroyuki Kohno, Toshi­hiro Katano, Akio Hirano, Voith IHI Paper Tech­nol­ogy Co., Ltd.

Mod­els of High Speed Blade Coating
Dr. Dou­glas W. Bousfi eld, Depart­ment of Chem­i­cal and Bio­log­i­cal Engi­neer­ing, Uni­ver­sity of Maine

A Unique Polyurethane Solvent-​free Lam­i­nat­ing Adhe­sive for Flex­i­ble Packaging:
Com­bin­ing func­tional per­for­mance with fast amine decay
Jan­ice Ong, K. Sud­ha­har, Dr. Suraj Singh Verma, Nova­cote Flex­pack Lab­o­ra­to­ries, COIM Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.

Basic Course on Instru­men­ta­tion and Con­trol in the Con­vert­ing Process, Ses­sion 14
Yoshi­hiko Ohta, NIRECO COR­PO­RA­TION

Slit­ting and Rewind­ing Technology
Chap­ter 2: Rewind­ing Meth­ods, Ses­sion 16
Hideo Mukai

Basic Guide to Lam­i­nat­ing Tech­nol­ogy, Ses­sion 16
Lam­i­nated Pack­ag­ing Films (1)
Koichi Mat­sumoto, Pro­fes­sional Engi­neer (Indus­trial Management)

PSA Tech­nol­ogy Course, Ses­sion 8
PSA Tape Use in the Archi­tec­tural and Civil Engi­neer­ing Fields
Dr. Kazuo Nate

Pack­ag­ing Film Pro­duc­tion and Func­tion­al­iz­ing Technology
Part 1: Pack­ag­ing Film (3)
Akira Hayashi

Screen Print­ing & Printed Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 7
Screen Mask Optimization
Yasushi Sano, SP-​Solutions Co., Ltd.

Intro­duc­tion to Flex­i­ble & Print­able Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 12
Fine Pat­tern Gen­er­a­tion Tech­nol­ogy (Part 3)
Dominique K. Numakura, DKN Research LLC

Focus On…
Teknek Expand­ing Advanced Film Con­tact Clean­ing in Asia

Com­pact Chuck for On-​site Tube Exchange
New Con­trol for 10× Res­o­lu­tion and 3× Responsiveness

Cut­ting Cover Glass Replace­ment Plas­tic with Car­bide Dies
1⁄10 the Cut­ting Time of Laser with No Sag­ging or Burrs

Web Wrin­kle and Sag Remov­ing Expander Roller
Devel­op­ing Tech­nol­ogy for Pen­e­tra­tion of the Film Market

Table-​top Con­tact Thick­ness Meters to Thailand
Yam­abun Elec­tron­ics Co., Ltd.

UV Cur­ing Tech­nol­ogy Shifts Focus from Lay­ers to Sur­face Structure
Com­bin­ing Pho­toini­ti­a­tion and Click Chem­istry for Shape Mem­ory Polymers
Fusion UV Seminar

Corned Beef Reborn with New Smart Cup Packaging
The Secret to a Can Alter­na­tive with an Equiv­a­lent Shelf Life
Meidi-​Ya Co., Ltd.

Alu­minum Lam­i­nated Film Cover
Easy to Open Can Lid Peels Off Like a Seal
Nip­pon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.

Reseal­able Pack­ag­ing Mak­ing Strong Inroads in Japan
Using a PSA for Reseal­able Packaging
Prima Meat Pack­ers, Ltd., Mori­naga Milk Indus­try Co., Ltd.

Dyed Black Paper­board Packaging
Insol­u­bi­liza­tion to Pro­tect Color from Mois­ture and Rubbing
TAKEO CO., LTD., Nis­sh­inbo Paper Prod­ucts Inc., Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Design Laboratory

Chrome-​free DLC Coated Cylinders
FX-​eco Cylin­der Reduces Ink Usage by 25%

New Japan­ese Umbrella Com­bines Bio PE, Non­wo­ven, and Bamboo
Dura­bil­ity, Strength, Water­proof, UV Block Functions
Hiyoshiya Co., Ltd.

“FP COAT” Increases Screen Mask Water Repellency
Improved Ink Pas­sage and Reduced Bleed­ing for Increased Yield
Mesh Cor­po­ra­tion

Inau­gural Sum­mit Lifts Lid on Thriv­ing Indone­sian Market
Label Sum­mit Indone­sia 2013
