

Convertech & e-Print May/Jun. 2013

Spe­cial Atten­tion: Con­vertech Japan 2013 Report
Part 1: Eco­log­i­cal Ink/​Cleaning and Gravure Elec­tron­ics Printing
T&K TOKA, MIMAKI ENGI­NEER­ING, bub­bles & beyond, Dai­cel, Leib­niz Insti­tute for New Materials

Part 2: Metal­lic Paste and Blan­ket Key to Gravure Off­set Printing

Part 3: Double-​sided Simul­ta­ne­ous LIB Elec­trode Coating/​Drying
Techno Smart, HIRANO TEC­SEED, Dainip­pon Screen, Clean Technology

Part 4: New Con­cepts for Non­wo­ven Fab­ric and Paper
TEI­JIN, OZU, The Insti­tute of Sci­en­tific and Indus­trial Research, Osaka Uni­ver­sity, AWA PAPER, MIKI TOKUSHU PAPER

Hand-​cuttable Holo­gram Film
Hiroshi Furukawa, Murata Kim­paku Group

Jacket Roll Inter­change­able Sleeve
Takat­sugu Kitano, TOKU­DEN CO., LTD.

Coat­ing of Ultra-​thin Liq­uid Films, Part 2
Dr. Peter M. Schweizer, Poly­type Con­vert­ing AG

Nip­pon Gohsei/​SoarnoL Division

Car­bon Fiber Com­pos­ite Rollers for High-​speed/​Wide Film Machines
Aki­hiko Yoshiya, Mit­subishi Plas­tics, Inc.; Hirokazu Tsuha, SUN­RAY CO., LTD.

Packaging Film Pro­duc­tion and Func­tion­al­iz­ing Technology
Part 1: Pack­ag­ing Film (2)
Akira Hayashi

Coat­ing Sys­tems: Oper­a­tional Meth­ods and Selec­tion Cri­te­ria, Clos­ing Session
Yuji Harasaki, Harasaki Consultants

Slit­ting and Rewind­ing Technology
Chap­ter 2: Rewind­ing Meth­ods, Ses­sion 15
Hideo Mukai

Basic Guide to Lam­i­nat­ing Tech­nol­ogy, Ses­sion 15
Ther­mal Lam­i­na­tion (2)
Koichi Mat­sumoto, Pro­fes­sional Engi­neer (Indus­trial Management)

Basic Course on Instru­men­ta­tion and Con­trol in the Con­vert­ing Process, Ses­sion 13

PSA Tech­nol­ogy Course, Ses­sion 7
PSA Tape Use in the Packaging/​Packing Field
Dr. Kazuo Nate

Intro­duc­tion to Flex­i­ble & Print­able Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 11
Fine Pat­tern Gen­er­a­tion Tech­nol­ogy (Part 2)
Dominique K. Numakura, DKN Research LLC

Screen Print­ing & Printed Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 6
Stain­less Steel Mesh Pro­duc­tion and Screen Mask Mak­ing Process
Yasushi Sano, SP-​Solutions Co., Ltd.

Focus On…
Build­ing Machines to Aid Cus­tomer Growth
“Lis­ten­ing Closely” to Show Grat­i­tude for 50 Years of Business

CDI Spark 4835 for Flexo Plate Mak­ing Business
From Var­nish Coat­ing to Flex­i­ble Packaging
WAKO COR­PO­RA­TION, Esko-​Graphics bvba

Printer Num­bers Decrease While Printed Sheet Num­bers Remain Stable
Devel­op­ing Regions Are Key to Print Mar­ket Growth
InfoTrends Ltd.

Photo Print Esti­mates Decrease for US and West­ern Europe
Asia to Be Largest Mar­ket in 2014
InfoTrends Ltd.

Polar­iz­ing Plates Make Cel­lo­phane Tape Sparkle Like Diamonds
Video, 3D Images, and Giant Kaleidoscopes
PRINT-​ART Co., Ltd.

Adding “Fra­grance” to Paper for New Value
Estab­lish­ing a Per­fume Coat­ing Technology
Ogu­rayama Kobo

Organic-​inorganic Hybrid Gas Bar­rier Coating
Organic-​silicon Primer Applicator
Blens Co., Ltd.

Design­ers and Small/​Medium Busi­nesses Col­lab­o­rate on New Busi­ness Concepts
Sparkling LED Cloth, Rare Earth Mag­nets, Sur­face Treated PVC
Tokyo Busi­ness Design Award

Japan­ese Busi­ness Devel­op­ments in Asia
Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd, Sum­it­omo Bake­lite Co., Ltd. Group, JSR Corporation
Toray Indus­tries, Inc., Sum­it­omo Chem­i­cal Co., Ltd., Tei­jin Aramid

Poten­tial Envi­ron­men­tal Con­tri­bu­tion of Bam­boo Cut­tings and Oil Palm EFB
Non-​Wood Green Prod­ucts Asso­ci­a­tion of Japan

First Injec­tion Mold­able Fold­ing Umbrella
Using 3D Mod­el­ing and CNC Pro­to­typ­ing Technology
Ginkgo Srl

2011 VOC Emis­sions Esti­mates of 782,966 Tons: 44.7% Decrease from 2000
23rd Volatile Organic Com­pound Emis­sions Inven­tory Inves­tiga­tive Commission

Heat Resis­tant, Mold­able, Releasable Multi-​layer Olefi n Film
Expand­ing the Mar­ket for Dec­o­ra­tive Trans­fer Coating
