

Convertech & e-Print Nov./Dec. 2013

Improv­ing Func­tional Rub­ber Rollers and Select­ing Rub­ber Rollers for the Roll-​to-​Roll Pro­cess­ing Equipment
Toshimichi Ishida, Kat­sura Roller Mfg. Co., Ltd.

Basic Course on Instru­men­ta­tion and Con­trol in the Con­vert­ing Process, Ses­sion 16

Pro­duc­tion and Man­u­fac­tur­ing Tech­nol­ogy in the Lam­i­na­tion Process (1)
Koichi Mat­sumoto, Pro­fes­sional Engi­neer (Indus­trial Management)

PSA Technology Course, Ses­sion 10
PSA Tape Usage in the Med­ical Field (1): Set­ting and Pro­tec­tive Adhe­sive Bandages/​Dressings
Dr. Kazuo Nate

Basics of Roll Coat­ing from the Plant Floor, Ses­sion 2
Gravure Roll Coater
Osamu Kuriyama

Pack­ag­ing Film Pro­duc­tion and Func­tion­al­iz­ing Technology
Part 3: Biax­i­ally Ori­ented Film
Akira Hayashi

Screen Print­ing & Printed Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 11
Improv­ing Print­ing Res­o­lu­tion and Dimen­sional Precision
Yasushi Sano, SP-​Solutions Co., Ltd.

Intro­duc­tion to Flex­i­ble & Print­able Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 14
Flex­i­ble Cop­per Lam­i­nate Production
Dominique K. Numakura, DKN Research LLC

Focus On…
Mul­ti­ple Mak­ers Begin Cesium Adsorb­ing Zeo­lite Sheet Production
Fil­ter­ing Con­t­a­m­i­nated Water, River Water, and Tem­po­rary Stor­age Yards

Nanofi ber Sound Absorb­ing Heat Insulation
Also Effec­tive in High-​frequency Inverter Sound Ranges

Inte­grated Pack­ag­ing Con­tents by Seven Global Design Teams

High-​calorie Bread in a Pouch and Room Tem­per­a­ture Curry
Emer­gency Foods Learn from the Great East Japan Earthquake
Japan Food Pack­ag­ing Association

Devel­op­ing Microwave­able Foods for the Elderly
Pack­ag­ing Tech­nol­ogy Is Key
Japan Food Pack­ag­ing Association

Fresh Food Shelf-​life Extend­ing Tray Packaging
Added Value Pro­vided by Bar­rier Film
FOOMA (Inter­na­tional Food Machin­ery & Tech­nol­ogy Exhibition)

“LUNCH VEHI­CLE” No Leak­age, No Crush Lunch Box Bag
Apply­ing Crane Sus­pen­sion Technology

Instal­la­tion of Test Line for the Lat­est New FX in 2013
Deliv­ery of the First Pro­duc­tion Line in Early 2014

Kodak Moves Into the Printed Elec­tron­ics Field
Com­bin­ing Imag­ing and Stream Inkjet Technology
East­man Kodak Company

New Anti-​counterfeit US $100 Bill Released Octo­ber 8th
3D Secu­rity Rib­bon Uses Motion Technology
US Fed­eral Reserve Board

Expand­ing to New Appli­ca­tions With Dig­i­tal Print­ing Strengths
Growth Trends in label­ing and Packaging
InfoTrends Ltd.

Direct IJ Dec­o­ra­tive Print­ing of Plas­tic, Glass, and Metal Containers
Vari­able Designs With­out Sleeves or Labels

Bio­med­ical SUT Mar­ket to Reach 1.3B US by 2016
Japan­ese Con­vert­ers Chal­lenge Plas­tic Bags

White Heat Resis­tant Sol­der Resist Ink
Heat Resis­tant Bezel Ink for Cover Glass Inte­grated Touch Panels
Okit­sumo Incorporated

For a More Attrac­tive, Func­tional Life-​style!
A Choice Selec­tion of Con­vert­ing Products
Tokyo Inter­na­tional Gift Show

Smart­phones Sur­pass Con­ven­tional Cell Phones in 2013
Urgent Need to Find a New Touch Panel Market
NPD Dis­play­Search

Double-​sided Printed 3D Labels
Smart­phone Case Made of Real Sponge
Inter­na­tional Sta­tion­ary & Office Prod­ucts Fair

Light Emit­ting Gel for Dec­o­ra­tion and Emer­gency Signals

Ultra-​thin Film and Nano Mate­r­ial Bio-​integrated Devices
Stress and Lifestyle Pat­tern Mon­i­tor­ing Bio-​sensors
Inno­va­tion Japan

Printed Cir­cuits and Secu­rity Options
Sen­sor Fusion to be Stan­dard in Smart­phones by 2015
Printed Elec­tron­ics ASIA2013

Mar­guerite Flower Pat­tern Bone Recon­struc­tion Mesh Plate
3D Inkjet Print­ing Bone Shapes to Restore Damage
