

Convertech & e-Print Sep./Oct. 2013

Pack­ag­ing Film Pro­duc­tion and Func­tion­al­iz­ing Technology
Part 2: OPP Pack­ag­ing Film
Akira Hayashi

Slit­ting and Rewind­ing Technology
Chap­ter 2: Rewind­ing Meth­ods, Clos­ing Session
Hideo Mukai

Basic Guide to Lam­i­nat­ing Tech­nol­ogy, Ses­sion 17
Lam­i­nated Pack­ag­ing Films (2)
Koichi Mat­sumoto, Pro­fes­sional Engi­neer (Indus­trial Management)

PSA Tech­nol­ogy Course, Ses­sion 9
PSA Tape Use in the Auto­mo­bile Industry
Dr. Kazuo Nate

Basic Course on Instru­men­ta­tion and Con­trol in the Con­vert­ing Process, Ses­sion 15

Basics of Roll Coat­ing from the Plant Floor, Ses­sion 1
Direct Roll Coater
Osamu Kuriyama

Screen Print­ing & Printed Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 8
Paste Dis­per­sion and Viscoelasticity
Yasushi Sano, SP-​Solutions Co., Ltd.

Intro­duc­tion to Flex­i­ble & Print­able Elec­tron­ics, Ses­sion 13
Laser Pro­cess­ing Technology
Dominique K. Numakura, DKN Research LLC

Focus On…
Mar­ket Is Global, Man­u­fac­tur­ing Is Local
Growth in Wide Width Film Winder Deliveries
Kobayashi Engi­neer­ing Works, Ltd.

Grow­ing the ASEAN Mar­ket From Thailand
LiB Sep­a­ra­tor Thin-​fi lm Coat­ing Machine Demand From China

Advanced Rub­ber Rollers for High-​quality Print­ing and Indus­trial Needs
Kat­sura Roller Mfg. Co., Ltd.

Tra­di­tional Tech­niques for Mod­ern Displays
Pro­jec­tion Type Dig­i­tal Sig­nage and Non-​contact Sensors
Shop, Office, House & Urban Inno­va­tion Exhi­bi­tion Japan

Fun label­ing of Smart­phone Photographs
Link­ing Dig­i­tally Printed QR Codes and Photographs
Kan­mido Co., Ltd.

Adhe­sive Tape Beauty Products
Elas­tic­ity and Accu­rate Skin Tones

One Processed Food Maker’s Safe, Secure Emer­gency Provisions
Stand­ing Pouch for Improved Convenience
Ishii Food Corporation

Increased Demand for Home Deliv­ery Frozen-​use, Microwav­able Trays
The World Food and Bev­er­age Great Expo 2013 (FABEX)

Single-​serving Wine Packs for Out­door Consumption
Japan­ese Paper Cups and Attrac­tive Ital­ian Feel
Soryu Win­ery, Kiyosuza­kura Brew­ery Corp., ENOTECA CO., LTD., Eric Comte Selection

Uni­fy­ing Food Label­ing in Japan
New Nutri­tional Label­ing Legal Frame­work to Impact Converters
Con­sumer Affairs Agency

New Mate­r­ial of Foamed PP Sand­wiched between PPF: “Smart Dash”
Microwave­able, Light Weight, and Oil Resistant
Chuo Kagaku Co., Ltd.

CIGS PV Cells Used to Build Solar Hydro­gen Station
Bio Gas Power and Hot Water Gen­er­a­tion FC System

Col­lab­o­ra­tion with China’s Yuncheng Plate-​Making Group
Push­ing the Growth of the Inter­na­tional Gravure Print­ing Market

$1.5 Billion/​Year Inkjet Printed Cor­ru­gated Market
Indigo Meets Small Lot Needs With Off­set Equiv­a­lent Quality
Hewlett Packard, HP Indigo, HP Scitex

The Next Gen­er­a­tion of Gravure Off­set Printing
New Approach to Pre­vent­ing Blan­ket Swelling
