

artience group was certified as a 2024 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500)

~Continuing to create an environment where each employee can play their part to the fullest~

[The following text was translated using artificial intelligence.]

On March 11, artience Co., Ltd. (President and Representative Director Satoru Takashima, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) and domestic Group Companies (hereinafter referred to as artience group) were certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as "Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization ~White 500~" as companies that practice management that takes the health of employees into consideration.

The "Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization Certification System" that certifies Outstanding Health & Productivity Management Organizations ~White 500~ is a system that recognizes corporations such as large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises that are practicing particularly excellent health and productivity management based on initiatives that are in line with local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Japan Kenko Kaigi. Recently, artience group has been collaborating with health insurance associations, conducting questionnaires to understand the health status of employees and verifying the effectiveness of measures, and uses the collected data to promote employee health. In recognition of these initiatives, we were certified as a "White 500," which is one of the top 500 companies in the results of the Health and Productivity Management Survey among the corporations certified as Outstanding Health & Productivity Management Organizations (Large Enterprise Category). This is the eighth consecutive year that artience group has been certified since its first certification in 2017.

Based on Corporate Philosophy People-oriented management, artience group believes that it is important to create an environment in which each and every employee can play an active role to the fullest, and will continue to take initiatives for the health of our employees, including health promotion, disease prevention, and mental health care.

Examples of initiatives

  1. Continued implementation of health-related surveys and measures to improve sleep
    We conduct employee surveys with the aim of understanding the current status of employee health issues, presenteeism (*1), and engagement, and clarifying relationships. In the industry-academia collaboration measures implemented in FY2021 and FY2022, we use this questionnaire to quantitatively measure the effect. Going forward, we will continue to strategically promote health and productivity management, such as formulating measures using questionnaires and verifying their quantitative effects.
    *1 A condition in which an employee goes to work with some kind of illness or symptom, and their ability to perform their work or productivity is impaired.
  2. Happy & Healthy Canteen (HHC) Project
    Using the employee cafeteria as a place to improve dietary habits, the employee cafeteria operators, business establishments, and health insurance associations (clinics) cooperate to support participants' lifestyle improvement challenges. By linking health management apps, we are evolving our measures to support health outside of working hours.
  3. Business Establishment Healthcare Report
    The Health Insurance Society visualizes the rate of findings in each item of the health checkup at each business site and provides feedback. This report is used to identify issues at each site, and the person in charge plans and implements health promotion activities.
  4. Preventing serious illness for high-risk people
    Based on the health checkup results, the Health Insurance Association identifies people who are at high risk for lifestyle-related diseases and encourages them to undergo medical checkups individually through the management department of the business site. The health insurance association regularly checks patient receipts and confirms hospital attendance status.

artience group companies that have been certified

artience Co., Ltd., TOYOCOLOR Co., Ltd., TOYOCHEM Co., Ltd., TOYO INK Co., Ltd., Toyo-Morton Co., Ltd TOYO FPP., TOYO INK ENGINEERING Corporation, TOYO B-Net Corporation, TOYO MANAGEMENT SERVICE Corporation, MATSUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. (10 companies)

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