Water-wash Resin Letterpress Plate "Printight," Water-wash Flexo Plate "Cosmolight"

TOYOBO Co., Ltd. Photo-functional materials department

Water-wash Photosensitive Resin Letterpress Plate “Printight”
We offer various types of plates for different printing methods, including rotary, flat-bed, dry offset, and pad printing.
-K: shore hardness D67º, high-resolution; flat-bed printing, labels and seals, standard printing
-J: shore hardness D55º, ultra-high resolution; rotary and semi-rotary printing, high-quality labels and seals, standard printing
-S: shore hardness D40º; ideal for rotary presses, business forms
-U: shore hardness D27º; high-speed printing, business forms

Water-wash Flexo Plate “Cosmolight”
This plate can be developed with tap water alone, so does not require organic solvents. The plate can be made in about an hour and is immediately ready for printing.
-NR: shore hardness A45 to 50º, excellent ink transference; label/tube/varnish coating
-NS: shore hardness A60 to 65º, high-resolution; label/flexible packaging/beverage cartons
-NH: shore hardness A70 to 75º, high-resolution; label/flexible packaging
-NEO: shore hardness A55 to 60º, excellent printing resistance; label/tube/varnish coating

“CTP Products”
Because the device directly forms the image on the plate surface from the digital printing image data, our CTP realizes high-resolution reproducibility that exceeds that of conventional resin plates.
-CTP water-wash resin letterpress plate Printight QF/QM
-CTP water-wash flexo plate Cosmolight QS/QH

Contact Information:
2-2-8 Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230 Japan
TEL.+81-6-6348-3058  FAX.+81-6-6348-3099

Sales Office:

Water-wash Photosensitive Resin Letterpress Plate, Water-wash Flexo Plate, PAD Printing Plate, Water-wash Direct Thick-layer Film, Water-wash CTP Plate

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