OSG-K2 Type VLS Gravure Printing Press With Circulation Drying System

還流式乾燥システム搭載グラビア印刷機 OSG-K2 TypeVLS

Handles water-based ink at a maximum machine speed of 250 m/min. The machine concept is “High-speed” and “High-environmental Performance.” This high-end model focuses on system operability, controllability, and reduced loss.

-Printing performance is maintained even though exhaust air volume is reduced by 40 to 50% (ORIENT SOGYO comparison)
-Data available for safety and reliability
-Low air volume and high VOC concentration air allows for benefits including:
-miniaturized VOC treatment systems and reduced capital investments
-greatly reduced dryer running costs
-improved layout options because of smaller duct sizes

Contact Information:
15 ohkute, Kurobokocho, Kasugai, Aichi, 486-0907, JAPAN
TEL.+81-568-277211  FAX.+81-568-371717

Sales Office:

Rotogravure Presses, Flexo Printing Presses, Laminators, Inspection Rewinders

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