ダイノーミル NPM型

Using a newly developed centrifuge separator, this new machine allows for the use of microbeads of 0.03 to 0.2 mm in diameter. The centrifuge separator has an independent drive, for which the revolutions can be set independently from the agitator speed to achieve a stable flow for materials ranging from low to high viscosity. In addition, the agitator uses the same accelerator as the ECM type, so allows for efficient, uniform energy transfer to the beads. Nanomaterial dispersion does not require a strong impact force; rather, applying a strong impact force to the primary particles would cause problems with co-agglomeration because the surface energy of the particles increases when they are destroyed. By using microbeads, it is possible to effectively disperse the nanomaterials without having to grind the raw material particles.

Contact Information:
Hotel Agora Regency Sakai 10F, 4-45-1 Ebisujimacho, Sakai-ku, Sakai, Osaka 590-0985 Japan
TEL.+81-72-228-1101  FAX.+81-72-227-1498

Sales Office:
Tokyo Sales Office
3-17-10-103 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3453-7280 Fax: +81-3-3798-1924

Wet Type Dispersion/Grinding Machine, Mixers, Agitators

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