Utility Power Super Steamer ®(UPSS)


Product Name: Utility Power Super Steamer (UPSS)
-Induction heated super steam generation system based on an original transformer structure
-Generates superheated steam of a maximum 1200ºC at a high heat exchange efficiency of greater than 95%
-Using induction heating with a commercial frequency power source, the system is low cost and is not subject to boiler regulations and the Radio Act

Heating, post-coating drying, surface treatment, machine component drying, degreasing, annealing

Steam Generation Volume: 2.5 to 200 kg/hr (31 models)

Steam Pressure: 0.15 MPa

Power Input: 3 phase 50/60 Hz 200/220 V
Heating Capacity: 3 to 310 KW
Startup Time: approx. 20 min. at700℃
Efficiency: greater than 95%  (not applicable to some models)

Contact Information:
40 Nishinorikyucho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8345 Japan
TEL.+81-75-581-5691  FAX.+81-75-581-1596

Sales Office:
Makino Plant
87 Terakubo, Makino-cho, Takashima, Shiga 520-1834 Japan
Tel: +81-740-27-2111 Fax: +81-740-27-1839
Tokyo Sales Office
2-7-1 Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033 Japan
Tel: +81-45-475-5120 Fax: +81-45-475-5127

Induction Heated Roll, Heating Roll

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