Far-infrared Heater


Characteristics: (1) High-speed: high-speed treatment of 1/5 to 1/40 that of conventional hot air circulation systems (2) High-quality: maintains consistent quality via flat irradiation using a conveyor transport system (3) Productivity: can be installed inline (4) Reliability: over 1,500 units installed around the world Main Applications: (1) Curing of electrode for in-vehicle touch sensor (2) Paste curing silver, carbon, etc (3) Curing resist, inks, etc. (4) Drying of adhesive, the adhesion paste. (5) Drying of organic application materials. (6) Annealing of substrates for electronic components.(1) High-speed annealing of Resin cast. (2) Drying and baking of screen printing ink and paint (3) Short time heating of prepregs. (4) Water content drying

※The technical center accepts sample tests.If you are considering purchasing the product, please contact us.


Contact Information:
1-12-1 Asahicho, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0852 Japan
TEL.+81-4-7141-2100  FAX.+81-4-7141-2110

Sales Office:
Technical Center
5-4-7 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0882 Japan

Far-infrared Heaters,Multiple safety dryer, Ultraviolet Irradiation Equipment, Clean oven

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