Using a multi-stage slit structure, the coater can realize simultaneous wet-on wet coat single or multiple layers. A vacuum structure comes standard, so coating at a sufficient gap clearance is possible. Our high-precision die processing technology and high-precision mounting technology, allows for a high-precision die coater using a cassette change method. Further, we can also produce special dies with internal structures that reflect the flow characteristics of the coating fluid.
Special functional films and materials
Coating Speed: up to 200 m/min
Viscosity Range: 1 to 20,000 mPa• s
Thickness Range: 1 to 100 μm wet
Roll Width: Contact us for details
Contact Information: Kyutaro-machi Kowa Bldg., 2nd Floor 2-5-28 Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056 Japan TEL.+81-6-6253-7200 FAX.+81-6-6253-7222 Email:osaka@technosmart.co.jp URL:https://www.technosmart.co.jp/
 | Sales Office: Tokyo Branch Office Tel: +81-3-5652-8611 Fax: +81-3-5652-8614 E-mail:business@technosmart.co.jp Shiga Factory Tel: +81-77-587-2022 Fax: +81-77-587-2457 E-mail:shiga@technosmart.co.jp
Products: Coaters, Laminators, Dryers, Thermal Treatment Systems, Film Forming Systems, Battery Related Manufacturing Machines |