D-Bar, E-Roll, Select-Roller/A-Bar

D-Bar オーエスジーシステムプロダクツ

D-Bar and E-Roll are high-precision, high-performance OSG products realized through the sound technical capabilities that support the global manufacturing industry. OSG applies its die-mold technology accumulated over the years to transfer the geometry of the mold to the materials themselves with high-precision to produce our products. By using a die-mold to form the grooves, it is possible to produce products with various groove geometries.
Because of the characteristics unseen in conventional wire bars, our products have been adopted by many consumers.

D-Bar, Select-Roller/A-Bar Characteristics
-The groove troughs are wide, so there is little clogging and the geometry is easy to clean
-The products are integrated, so there is no wire breaking or risk of sagging
-There are no limitations on the wire geometry, so the peak geometry can be designed freely
-Broad lineup of different coating weights and peak geometries

Problems With Wire Bars
-Easily clog and difficult to clean
-Wire can loosen and break
-Geometry design is limited to changing the wire diameter

For details, see our product lineup at www.j-osp.com/en/index.html

Contact Information:
8-24, Tedori, Kaminagayama-cho, Toyokawa City, Aichi Pref. JAPAN
TEL.+81-533-92-1511  FAX.+81-533-92-1512

Sales Office:

D-Bar (coating bar), E-Roll (small-diameter gravure roll),Select-Roller/A-Bar (simple bar coater pilot coating device)

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