

Convertech & e-Print Mar./Apr. 2011

Envi­ron­men­tal Mea­sures for Japan’s Gravure Ink Industry
Takashi Moroi, DIC Graph­ics Corporation

Fun­da­men­tal Coat­ing Research
Slot Die Coat­ing: The Physics of the Cap­il­lary Coat­ing Bead
Dr. Brian Hig­gins, Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia Davis

A Review of the Fluid Mechan­ics of Rigid Roll Coat­ing Sys­tems
S. J. Abbott, N. Kapur, P.A. Sleigh, J. L. Sum­mers & H. M. Thomp­son
Con­sul­tant to Rhe­o­logic Ltd.; Uni­ver­sity of Leeds

A The­o­ret­i­cal and Factory-​ready Prac­ti­cal Approach to Web Handling

Recent Devel­op­ment of Tech­nol­ogy for Multi-​layer Roll-​to-​Roll e-​Printing Systems
Hyunkyoo Kang, Chang­woo Lee, and Dr. Kee­hyun Shin, Konkuk Uni­ver­sity and Toba

The Func­tions and Devel­op­ment of Opti­cal Films Essen­tial for LCDs and Backlights
Tomo­hiro Nak­agome, TOP­PAN PRINT­ING CO., LTD.

Reduc­ing Sol­vents in ASEAN and India
The non-​solvent adhe­sive mar­ket in South and South­east Asia
Shinichi Sak­aguchi, Cosmo Scientex(M)SDN. BHD.

Envi­ron­men­tal Response and Over­seas Expan­sion of Flex­i­ble Pack­ag­ing Adhesives
Takashi Tamaoka, DIC Graph­ics Corporation

Devel­op­ing New Func­tional UV Cur­ing Adhesives
Eiichi Okazaki, Toago­sei Co., Ltd.

Fun­da­men­tals of Ana­lytic Tech­nol­ogy for the Film Mak­ing Process Ses­sion 2
Film form­ing meth­ods
Dr. Toshiro Yamada, Kanazawa University

The Fun­da­men­tal Tech­nol­ogy of Gravure Print­ing Ses­sion 2
Design Data and Proofi ng (1)
Tsu­tomu Nak­a­gawa, Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd.

Coat­ing Systems:Operational Meth­ods and Selec­tion Cri­te­ria Ses­sion 2
Yuji Harasaki, Harasaki Consultants

Basic Course in Coat­ing and Numer­i­cal Analy­sis Ses­sion 2
Essen­tial Knowl­edge for Under­stand­ing Coat­ing Phe­nom­ena
Dr. Takeaki Tsuda, Dai Nip­pon Print­ing Co., Ltd.

Slit­ting and Rewind­ing Tech­nol­ogy Ses­sion 2
Hideo Mukai

Basic Guide to Lam­i­nat­ing Tech­nol­ogy Ses­sion 2
Extru­sion Coating/​Lamination Meth­ods (1)
Koichi Mat­sumoto, Pro­fes­sional Engineer

Adhe­sive Tech­nol­ogy Course Ses­sion 2
Yasuaki Kitazaki, PSA Laboratory

Focus on…
House Foods’ First Cer­ti­fied Pack­ag­ing Pro­fes­sional is Born: Man­u­fac­tur­ing with a soul
House Foods Corp.

Look­ing at the Inter­na­tional Dairy Mar­ket by Pack­age Size and Bev­er­age Type
Large pack­ages for white milk and down­sized pack­ages for fla­vored milk

CHUKYO KAGAKU Stim­u­lates Latent Pack­ag­ing Demand for Extremely Small Lots
The world’s first lin­ear water-​based flexo print­ing machine for fl exi­ble pack­ag­ing

A Hybrid of Silk Screen and Inkjet Tech­nolo­gies Quickly Repro­duces Ancient Wall Paintings
Grad­u­ate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo Uni­ver­sity of the Arts, Japan­ese Paint­ing (Con­ser­va­tion) Studio

THINK LAB­O­RA­TORY Puts Its “New FX” Fully Auto­mated Laser Expo­sure Gravure Plate Mak­ing Sys­tem into Operation
Spread­ing solvent-​use reduc­ing gravure print­ing cylin­ders

HEI­DEL­BERG JAPAN Helps SEIEIDO PRINT­ING to Receive the METI Min­is­ter Award at the 20th Seal and Label Contest

Cost-​effective DPM Improv­ing Trace­abil­ity in Harsh Envi­ron­ment Industries
Roland DG Corporation

Cut­ting Cross-​section Makes the Dif­fer­ence in Meiko’s CO2 Laser Film Processing
Pro­vid­ing slit­ters, sheet cut­ters, and lam­i­nat­ing sys­tems
Meiko, Inc.

JYOHOKU SEIKOSHO Extru­sion Coat­ing T-Die’s Elim­i­nate Film Edge Beads
Exports Make up 80% of Machine Sales

Sung An Machin­ery Dis­plays Extru­sion Machin­ery and Con­tin­ues Over­seas Growth
Sung An Machin­ery Co„ Ltd.

RAYON INDUS­TRIAL Reduces the Cut­ting Time Needed for Clean­ing Roller PSA Tape
