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Capatch is a Netherlands based Steinhart low-cost disposable, sticker type cell volume measuring system that rapidly, easily, and consistently measures cell volume. The system allows cell volumes to be measured while the roll is mounted on the printing machine.

A capsule with a fixed volume of fluid is broken using the plastic blade for pressing the fluid into the roll cell. The fluid is pushed forward by the blade until it completely disappears into the cells and no longer moves over a dozen repetitions. Because the fluid is a fixed volume, the cell volume and fluid track length are inversely proportional. (The larger the cell volume, the shorter the track length of the fluid). The maximum fluid can be measured by reading with a measure range. After measuring, thinner, ethyl acetate, and isopropyl alcohol (IPA), etc., are used to wipe down and clean the roll. Measuring takes about 2 minutes.

Low Volume (green): 2 to 7 cc/m2
Mid Volume (blue): 5 to 25 cc/m2
High Volume (red): 15 to 70 cc/m2
*can be measured as cc/m2=cm3/m2.

Contact Information:
2-10-14 Nihonbashikakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014 Japan
TEL.+81-3-3249-3924  FAX.+81-3-3249-3930

Sales Office:
Sugito Factory
3-7-1 Seiji, Sugito-machi, Kitakatsushika-gun, Saitama 345-0025 Japan
Tel: +81-480-32-8328 Fax: +81-480-34-8340

Anilox Roll Production, Re-engraving, and Cleaning; Printing Roll Plastic Sleeves and Impression Roll Rubber Sleeves; Cell Volume Measuring Systems, Cleaning Fluids, etc.

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Ceramic Anilox Roll/Gravure Roll


New Production: Our final surface grinding is unique.
Having produced more than 10,000 anilox rolls, our anilox rolls meet the quality test requirements for ceramic coating rolls used to produce the orientation film for liquid-crystal displays. We finish the rolls to meet your requirements while measuring the cell volume, depth, and shape. By polishing the roll surface to a mirror finish, we can minimize blade wear and rubber roll damage. We also offer consistent supply of high-quality ceramic rolls and rapid after service.
(Upon request, we can produce high line rolls of up to 2,000 lines)

We have also installed three UK based Alphasonics cleaning machines, with which we have cleaned more than 20,000 rolls. Using these machines we can restore ceramic and chrome rolls to new by removing various types of clogged ink. In more than 20 years of operations, we have never damaged a roll. We measure the cell shape, depth, and volume before and after cleaning to manage the customer’s rolls.

Contact Information:
2-10-14 Nihonbashikakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014 Japan
TEL.+81-3-3249-3924  FAX.+81-3-3249-3930

Sales Office:
Sugito Factory
3-7-1 Seiji, Sugito-machi, Kitakatsushika-gun, Saitama 345-0025 Japan
Tel: +81-480-32-8328 Fax: +81-480-34-8340

Anilox Roll Production, Re-engraving, and Cleaning; Printing Roll Plastic Sleeves and Impression Roll Rubber Sleeves; Cell Volume Measuring Systems, Cleaning Fluids, etc.

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Plastic Sleeve


Through a 2007 technological collaboration between ROLLTECH and POLYWEST (Germany), with its top share in Japan, we established POLYWEST JAPAN in beginning the production and sale of plastic sleeves domestically in International. As such, we are able to reduce delivery times and provide rapid response aftercare. New Material Sleeve “RUBIN” Compared to conventional sleeves, RUBIN has a more durable surface, which reduces bouncing during printing and improves print quality. RUBIN is difficult to cut and has excellent solvent resistance. Characteristics: -Sleeve wall thickness can be freely set between 1 and 72 mm (equivalent to a maximum printing repeat length of 440 mm) -Mounting and removal of the sleeve is conducted by simply blowing pressurized air with a load of 5 to 6 Kg/cm2 from the edge face of the air cylinder, so is extremely easy and improves work speed. When the air pressure is removed, the sleeve locks in place so that there is no misalignment, rotation, or slip during printing. -The sleeve can be attached to the cylinder with cushion tape and double-sided tape to greatly improve the printing efficiency of used sleeves. -Rubber mounting can be conducted as easily as with steel rolls, so can be used with various rolls, including flexo printing solid sleeves and gravure printing/coating impression rolls. -The inner diameter of the sleeve and the air cylinder have a straight structure.

Contact Information:
2-10-14 Nihonbashikakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014 Japan
TEL.+81-3-3249-3924  FAX.+81-3-3249-3930

Sales Office:
Sugito Factory
3-7-1 Seiji, Sugito-machi, Kitakatsushika-gun, Saitama 345-0025 Japan
Tel: +81-480-32-8328 Fax: +81-480-34-8340

Anilox Roll Production, Re-engraving, and Cleaning; Printing Roll Plastic Sleeve/Thick Wall Rubber Sleeve; Cell Volume Measuring System, Cleaning Fluid, etc.

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(日本語) 高機能フィルム用巻き芯 ”プラマキシン”


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Online Thickness Gauge "21Plus!" (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., US)


Thermo Fisher Scientific’s (US) infrared measurement and control systems, which are often installed in Japan, use an original sensor technology and control software to achieve high-precision and high-reliability.
Thickness gauge “21Plus!” has an optimal sensor for high-precision, online web thickness measurement. With a single optical sensor, the system has the unique ability to measure thickness from the submicron level to 3mm. Moreover, the automatic die control software realizes a high-precision of web thickness.
DAIICHI JITSUGYO offers an original sales system and technical support service as a comprehensive representative of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Permeable HR sensor
Optimal for the measurement of films (multi-layer films, light weight sheets, engineering plastics, barrier resins), coating and water content of light weight substrates, and binders/surfactants in nonwoven fabrics.

Reflective HR sensor
Optimal for the measurement of coatings on substrates (film thickness on paper, aluminum, and printed surfaces), paint and wax on metal substrates, residual solvent concentration, and water content of coated substrates, etc.

Contact Information:
4-6 Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo101-8222, Japan
TEL.+81-3-6370-8649  FAX.+81-3-6370-8603

Sales Office:

Sale of and Support Service for Thermo Fisher Gauges and Automatic Control Systems

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(日本語) INKMAKER社製 P32ディスペンサー


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(日本語) 巻取りコア用 ゴムライニング加工「スキンコア」


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(日本語) クリーニング用粘着ゴムロール「クリンタック」


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(日本語) 静電気発生抑制ロール「クーロン」


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Capsule Chuck

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The Capsule Chuck, born of HIMECS’ many years of core technology, creates new value for unwinding and rewinding technology


A unique rewinding shaft support unit that improves safety and reduces costs

SELF-Lock supports the unwinding and rewinding shaft with a structure that applies driving or breaking force to the shaft.
Moreover, when the SELF-Lock main shaft is rotated 90 degrees, the cover automatically closes so that the rewinding shaft does not fall out. In short, this is a rewinding shaft support device that prevents operational errors.
By setting the unwinding shaft and rewinding shaft bearing units in series, SELF-Lock contributes to reduced design and manufacturing costs.

Main Characteristics:
-Rewinding shaft bearing units reduce the burden of design work and plant operations
-Reduces costs of the machine
-Adopts universal design that focuses on safety and operability
-Allows for low-tension rewinding
-The rewinding shaft drop-out prevention mechanism prevents operational error and improves safety

Capsule Chuck Series
Air-Capsule, Hi-Lock, OBS-Lock, SELF-Lock

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Contact Information:
1-3-34 Hachiman-cho,Higashikurume-shi,Tokyo 203-0042 Japan
Tel: +81-42-473-3066 Fax: +81-42-475-4110


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Product Category
Capsule Chuck, Material Handling Tools, Uniroll

Manufacturing Base
1-3-34 Hachiman-cho,Higashikurume-shi,Tokyo 203-0042 Japan
Technical Center
1-1-56 Hachiman-cho,Higashikurume-shi, Tokyo 203-0042 Japan
Murayama Plant
2-86-19 Inadahira,Musashimurayama-shi,Tokyo 203-0023 Japan
Annaka Plant
762-1 Furuya, Annaka-shi, Gunma-Ken 379-0131 Japan

International Sales Network
 Gerald Ave.Clifton,NJ 07012

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